Title: Play Time with Glitch
Summary: There's a strange, strange, world under that zipper.
Rating: PG-13, for the misuse of children's playthings.
Genre: A little cracky.
Pairings: Cain/Glitch, and Raw gets a threesome with a couple of OC’s. Kinda.
Disclaimer: Ummm…. What’s that disclaimer about not owning, just playing in their dollhouse?
A/N: Originally posted
here. .
Glitch wandered into a large, brightly lit room. He glanced around at the rocking horses, balls, and building blocks scattered around the floor before finally seeing the three large doll houses set up against one wall. He walked over to them, a small smile playing across his lips. Kneeling down, he carefully opened the front of the middle house.
He waved to the little family inside, and said, “Why, you must have belonged to the princesses.” He glanced over his shoulder at the door, and then picked up the father doll. “I’m sorry though, I don’t think they play with dolls anymore though.” The black-haired figure stared blankly back at him. “Well, if you really want to, I suppose we could play for a while,” he said, with an air of being put-upon.
He grinned as he opened the other two houses, and was pleased to see their families lying neatly together. He picked up the father doll from the house on the left, and held the two men so they were standing on opposite sides of a little wooden fence.
“Why, hey there, neighbor!” he made the blond man say. He turned the first man to him slowly. “What? Oh, hello,” he said for him, in a dry, clipped tone. “My name is Ambrose. I’m Very Important.”
“I’m Cain. I’m less important, but better looking,” Glitch said, in a drawling voice. He set the Ambrose doll down for a moment so he could extend Cain’s arm. Picking it back up, he bounced the doll along with his words, “Yes, well, I suppose that’s true enough.” He nudged his arm up to return the handshake.
Glitch dropped the two men and picked up the remaining family members from Cain’s house. He held up the mother doll. “This is my wife Adora,” he said in Cain’s voice, frowning at the woman. “But she’s dead.” Glitch set the doll carefully in the backyard and covered it with a little blanket. “And this is Jeb! He’s kind of important.” The son doll got put back into the house. “And this is…” Glitch stopped and stared at the little girl doll for a moment. “This is nobody,” he finally decided in his own voice, tossing the girl in with the children of the third house.
He stopped, and gave the third house a second look. With a mischievous grin, he reached for the last father doll and brought it over to the other two, making it say roughly, “I’m Raw. I’m dumb and smelly.” He scooped up Cain and Ambrose with his other hand. “Yes, you certainly are,” and “Yeah, no one likes you anyway,” they said, and the Raw doll was tossed through the air, landing back in front of his house.
“So, Mr. Cain,” Ambrose said, as Glitch caught him in his other hand again, “What is it you do that’s less important than what I do?” The Cain doll shook back and forth a little. “I’m a Tin Man! I catch stupid headcases and make them go to jail!”
“Well that’s not very pleasant at all. It is much more fun to invent things and be royal and stuffy.” Ambrose turned away, his body tilted back as if his nose were in the air. Hopping about madly, Cain said, “I don’t care, I get to shoot things!”
Glitch smirked as he turned Ambrose halfway around to look at Cain. “Oh, big man with a big gun, eh?” The Cain doll hopped over the fence. “That’s right, and I’m not just compensating either!” Glitch giggled and glanced around again, to make sure he was alone.
“Is that so, Mr. Cain?” Ambrose was pushed forward until he was almost touching the other doll. “Care to prove it to me?” Suddenly, the dolls’ faces were pressed against each other, and Glitch was moaning out kissing noises.
“Wait!” Cain jerked away. “This is wrong. What about your wife, Ambrose?”
“Wife?!” Glitch yelped. “I’ve never had a wife!” He brought the two dolls close to his face, studying them intently, trying to figure out why they weren’t cooperating with his plans. “Oh,” he sighed, setting them down and shaking his head. “He means this wife.”
Glitch pulled the woman from the middle doll house and shook his head. “No, you can’t be Ambrose’s wife.” He glanced around, looking for an answer to his problems. His eyes fell upon the discarded Raw doll, and a smile formed on his face.
“Well, Raw,” he said, “Looks like someone likes you after all.” He laid the woman from Ambrose’s house alongside the woman from the third house, then nestled Raw between them. “Have fun, you guys,” he whispered as he waggled his eyebrows, and closed that house back up.
“Now, where were we?” he said, picking his favorite dolls up again. “Oh yes.” He began clacking the little wooden faces together again. “Oh, Cain, Ambrose, Cain, Ambrose,” he moaned, switching his voice appropriately.
On the other side of an unnoticed mirror behind him, four pairs of eyes widened and four mouths dropped open. DG and Raw were almost shaking with contained laughter, each sneaking looks at the frozen tin man out of the corners of their eyes.
Tutor cleared his throat and continued writing in his notepad. “Well,” he said, “I think this has been a very enlightening session. Turns out he did just need some play therapy to get to the root of his… issues.” He packed up his books and walked out the door. “Come on, guys. We’ll just let him finish up in his own time.”
DG and Raw squeezed past Cain, careful not to disturb him. He stood there, still unmoving, a look of shock and fascination plastered on his face. “So, Raw,” DG said as they walked out the door, “Turns out you’re quite da pimp!” Raw gave her a confused smile, and walked out the door, shaking his head.
Just as DG was about to follow him, she turned back and, hesitantly, tapped Cain on his shoulder. He barely twitched his head in acknowledgment, still watching as Glitch began to undress the two dolls. “Mr. Cain, please. Don’t hurt him,” she pleaded.
Cain didn’t respond, his eyes growing even wider as the two dolls were contorted into positions they had surely not been designed for. He finally tore his eyes away to glance at DG. Smirking, he said, “He’ll be fine, kid. Besides,” he continued, a little breathlessly, “I might just want to play dolls some myself,” and the smirk grew into a large toothy smile.