(no subject)

Dec 02, 2007 13:22

It’s true that I’m an unapologetic potty-mouth. It’s true that when I bother to supply new content, I tend to write about adult concepts, mostly because I’m, well, an adult. However, it’s also true that despite listing my age as 69 (I’m looking forward to the offers to endorse skin care products) I’ve encountered material that, due to someone else’s sensibilities, is behind a cut tag, and each time, there hasn’t been a swear word, a morally ambiguous concept, sexual contents or material of a political incendiary nature; it just didn’t appeal to someone, or maybe one person just had a gripe with another individual.

I want my teenage kids to learn tolerance and respect for other opinions and attitudes, not that it’s OK to hide thoughts you don’t like under a rug. Or a cut tag.

And yes, this one has REALLY pushed my buttons.
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