stay at home moms deserve a medal. or to get paid. or at least some more respect.
i never before realized how hard it is to take care of a kid all day... not to mention simultaneously attend to a home and/or school work. scratch that. its not hard, its damn near impossible.
i was going to write a real entry updating you all on my life and new daughter, but of course she won't allow me to do so. she's decided to loudly squawk if i don't hold her which just won't do as i'm currently at school.
now, normally i remedy this by just balancing her on my chest so she can be close to me... or literally on me... while i type and do homework. however, it doesn't work if she wants to be squirmy because then she'll just roll right off. and i'm not interested in having a goonies monster dude for a child.
anyway i'll give you the abbreviated version of this post... to be continued later.
maya jane salazar was born at 3am on friday, november 2.
my lovely amazing wonderful friends were all there to support me and actually took over the waiting room with their entourageyness. I LOVE YOU NADIA SUZY HUSSAIN AND SEAN
she was 6lbs, 4oz with lots of soft, brown hair and brown eyes.
and yes, i got that epidural.
here are some pics from my camera phone, as i haven't developed all the real ones yet. hope it holds you over