you want the miniature one

Feb 26, 2007 15:13

i saw a bumper sticker by psych services today, as i was walking to the study abroad office, that said, "DUI KILLS."

i thought it said, "DNA KILLS."

and i pondered that for 10 minutes as i took care of my argentina stuff...

i decided that it really is true... your dna/genes can kill you. and i was impressed that the noble staff at the psych center were taking up a crusade against dna.

then i walked back out and realized what it really said.

meh. still true.


ok i went to OBAMARAMA 2007 at auditorium shores on friday with whitney. and i'm planning a summary/opinionated/potentially controversial (ie: could get me crucified by mobs of angry and idealistic college students) post for later.

until then, here are some pictures we took to tide you over:

^^ this one is pretty damn awesome if i do say so myself. we got there around noon, and were subsequently able to snag really close spots to the catwalk thing. then when he came around on his meet and greet i found myself in a prime hand-shaking location. i was excited about the bragging rights i would have for shaking obama's hand... and then i realized that until then i really knew nothing about the man, and didn't really care about him all that much. meanwhile, whitney is a fan. so i switched places so she could shake his hand instead. and i snapped the pic. point being that i could have shook obama's hand if i wanted... but i didn't... and i'm still pretty cool.

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