Or I could a survey that I stole from Mr. Harris...
WHat IF...
If you could change your name, what you would change it to: I like a lot of names...Amy, Cate, Emily...I don't think any of them fit me.
If you could drive any car you wanted for a week what would it be? A Crossfire. Or, a Thunderbird.
IF you could throw out anything of roommates/parents what would it be: Ugh...all of her shit around the dorm room...she's messy.
If you could have any job for a month, what would you do: Some government thing....
What are your nicknames: J Rand?
Who gave these names to you: Chris Filyo...but Kim calls me it too.
What are your pet peeves: I get so annoyed by everything...
What is your favorite type of pen to write with: Pilot with the gelly ink
What was the last picture you coloured with crayons: Oh geez...I can't remember
How much time do you spend online: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much
What do you do during this time: AIM and I'm an email fiend...
Do you sing in the shower: all the time. not so much here, because people would get weirded out....
If so, What kind of songs do you sing: everything
What's your favorite movie: West Side Story...lol
Whats your favorite song: so many...#41 by DMB maybe.
What's Your favorite movie quote: Follow your bliss--Joseph Campbell
Who's Your favorite Band: Dave Matthews Band
Who's Your favorite Singer: Hmmm...Dave Matthews probably??? Or John Lennon
Whats your favorite Flower: sunflower
What makes that flower so special: its purdy...
What is your favorite language other than English: SWAHILI lol
Why? Is it because you can speak it, or is it for another reason: Ninasema Kiswahil kidogo, latika ninasoma...
White Gold, Yellow Gold, or Platinum: white gold
White, Dark, or Milk Chocolate: dark. yummmmy
Red, white, yello, pink, or purple roses: red.
How much sleep do you get at night: 6-12 hours.<---lol....same here, matt.
Whats your Favorite TV show of ALL time: wow...I love House. Desperate Housewives maybe? But of ALL TIME? My friend...that's probably Kids, Inc. Do you remember that one?
If you were to pass away tomorrow, what would people say about you: Ehhhhh...different people would care differently.
What is your weirdest Quirk: So many...
How long does it normally take you to get ready in the morning: half hour?
Do you read any magazines: Time and The New Yorker...I'm such a dork.
Do you remember School House rock: Of course!
Who is your hero: Ummmm...
Who would you like to meet: Jimmy Carter.
If you could fight anyone, dead or alive, who would it be: I'm a lover, not a fighter.
What celebrety is on the top of your list: Jon Fucking Stewart.
Do you feel that you know more about yourself having finished this survey? naaaaaah