My Bonnie lies over the ocean...

Jun 22, 2005 21:53

Hey, long time.

Not much has been going on, I'm working until my eyes bleed. You know how we do. Gators, which is fun, but brutal. I'm up at 6:15 every morning, which means no big summer fun for Jessica. Always in bed by 1:00 at the latest, which is actually pretty early. Then I'm with the Sears Nazis the rest of the time. I freaking hate that job. I'm quitting on August 4th, because I leave for my cruise on August 6th (and I want to spend the 5th with friends and getting ready...) and I come back the 13th (when I'll be 18 for a day!) and then leave for State on the 24th. That gives me 11 days to have a real summer. I'm confident that those will be the most amazing 11 days of my life. I want to have another sleepover similar to the commencement one...but this time, I'll plan for it to be at my house! (Ha) It will just give us all an excuse to spend the night together with people we all love.

Speaking of...Aaron and Amanda are in Europe for 10 days. I can't wait for them to get home, they'll have amazing stories and amazing pictures hopefully. It sucks though, because they can't even call really or anything like that. So, 10 days without talking to people I see every day. I miss them! Especially Aaron. I mean, I knew I liked the kid and all, but, this is crazy. I didn't realize how much I liked him until I didn't have the opportunity to talk to him for 4 days! Ugh. And this is the reason I don't like dating...I fall too hard too fast. Hopefully this one works out for a while though, we're having so much fun.

I'm sick. No voice and mad coughing fits. It started Monday. Weird. Whatever. I'll get over it.

I'm going to Cedar Point tomorrow!
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