Di Twitter, aku kan nge-follow akun @ZodiacFact tuh. Nah, dibandingkan dengan aku baca2 zodiakku sendiri (#Gemini), entah knapa setiap kali #Pisces muncul, aku selalu tertarik. Habisnya banyak fakta yg emang Sanji BGT! Yup, ultah Sanji itu tgl 2 Maret (San=3, 2=ji atau bulan ke-3 hari ke-2) seolah2 Oda emang membentuk karakter Sanji dengan melibatkan fakta2 Zodiak (meskipun Franky juga Pisces sih, tapi ga terlalu keliatan). Yahhh, berhubung aku emang tergila-gila dengan Sanji dan berusaha se-IC mungkin dalam menggambarkan karakternya di fic, akhirnya aku pun iseng ngumpulin beberapa fakta berikut:
-Because of their sensitivity, #Pisces often prefer a fairy tale romance scenario to the real thing.
Haduhhhhh... Sanji emang ngimpinya jadi Pangeran para Putri
-#Pisces is the dreamer, and for this sign, reality is always a letdown when compared to his fantasies
Impian Sanji soal All Blue emang paling fantasi. Cuma menunggu dan diam, tidak terlalu dicari dan seolah tanpa 'fight' untuk meraihnya.
-Most think #Pisces are too dreamy. Well us #Pisces like to think we can make our dreams a reality
All Blue pasti ADA.
-When a #Pisces is unhappy our hearts weigh us down like 2 ton bolders
Ugh, klo Sanji sedih aku ikut sedih... Jadi klo bikin fic yg Sanji sedih, aku harus bisa bikin pembaca ikut sedih.
-#Pisces, respond very strongly to beauty and to love.
Wkwkwkwkwk.... Klo ngebayangin Sanji dgn mata hatinya jadinya ketawa deh
-The #Pisces Man will also appreciate beauty outside the relationship, but he will never be disloyal. That's just not him.
Oh, so true... Sanji emang gitu ke semua cewe cantik tapi....... hati cuma buat satu-satunya wanita yg ia panggil pake -san, yaitu Nami. Yg bilang Sanji itu OOC klo bisa loyal ke 1 wanita itu SALAH.
-The #Pisces man does not stop to consider his own mortality, and he frequently does not take very good care of himself.
-#Pisces need to know where to draw the line concerning self-sacrifice, otherwise they can become discouraged or bitter.
Sanji, jangan kebanyakan ngerokok dan sok sacrifice-holic! Ntar kubuat kau mati terus di fic-ku huhuhuhu.......
-#Pisces You are the zodiac's most sensitive sign, so you need to take extra special care of yourself
Emang sensian mlulu nih Sanji.
-#Pisces: Sensual Sensual Sensual
Yg ada di otak Sanji cuma ini ya XD
-A #Pisces man can be everything you want him to be- or everything you don't want him to be
Pantes aza dimanfaatin Nami mlulu.... "Pangeran cintamu ini akan melakukan apapun!"
-Sorry but if a #pisces is in love with you then we CAN'T SETTLE FOR BEING FRIENDS
Hihihi.... Berlaku untuk SanNami nih?
-#Pisces people have the crazy sense of fun from their #Cancer traits
Gubrak! Sanji emang gila abiz klo sama Nami.
-#Pisces are sympathetic and moody like Cancer
Dua2nya emang sama2 labil XD.
-#Pisces also tend to rely on their mates heavily which plays to the #Cancer tendencies towards protection and safety
Agar Nami selamat --> Drum Kingdom: minta tolong Luffy. Skypea: Minta tolong Usopp.
-Bad thing about being a #Pisces is that when we are love, NO ONE can tell us sh!t. Love rules all
Love Love Love..... Sanji emang idiot di sini.
-A #pisces man will never ever be short on emotions and romance. Candle light dinners, rose pedals baths, & honest emotion
-The #Pisces man is is the ultimate romantic, the sensitive man who feels with a woman.
Awwww.... Bikin fic romance pake Sanji emang paling enak dan ga usah takut OOC.
-#Pisces can't stand Gemini's fickleness and thoughtlessness. #Gemini can't stand Pisces's emotionalism and dreaminess.
TIDAKKKKKKKK! Berarti aku ga cocok sama Sanji? I LOVE HIM!
-#PISCES have the better sex with #Taurus #Cancer #Virgo #Scorpio and #Capricorn
Berarti pair lemonnya: SanLu, SanNa, Sanji x Hancock, SanZo, Sanji x Chopper XDDDDDDDDDD
-#CANCER has the best sex with #Pisces
Ayo, Shimacrow Helel! Kita penuhi FOPI dengan fic SanNa SMUT/Lime/Lemon.
-#Pisces are passive and stubborn like #Taurus
Jadi inget ada fanfic Sanji dan Luffy yg lagi sama2 keras kepala di fandom English gara2 urusan lebih berat mana kerjaan koki atau kapten.
-One wouldn’t believe they’d be compatible, but when a #Taurus and #Pisces come together they are understanding of one another’s weaknesses.
Pair SanLu itu sdikit bgt ya peminatnya T^T. Padahal sebenarnya keren lho... Aku termasuk salah satu yg suka.
#Pisces emotionally express things that
#taurus cannot,this is amazing to hear this complex understanding of the human condition can be good
Ga bisa membayangkan klo Luffy suka cewe, bisa masak, dan bisa berpikir serius kyk Sanji wkwkwkwkwk.............
-#Pisces find it very easy to read #Scorpio because they often communicate nonverbally with looks and posture rather than words.
Kayaknya emang Sanji yg paling ngerti Zoro banget deh. Klo pake kata-kata adanya malah berantem mlulu XD.
-On a level both of you are very sensitive, feeling, compassionate people #PISCES & #SCORPIO
Ohhhh... Emang Sanji ma Zoro itu sehati #plak.
-Both of you are , intuitive, receptive, and compassionate people, easily moved by emotional appeals or needs of others #PISCES & #CANCER
Nahhhhh.... Sanji ma Nami lebih sehati #disepak.
-#Pisces and #Cancer have a shared connection to love and the family.
Dibesarin selama 10 th dan sayang banget sama ortu angkat (Zeff dan Bellmere). Zeff mengajarkan Sanji bahwa pria harus menghormati wanita, Bellemere mengajarkan Nami bahwa wanita tidak kalah kuat dari pria. Udah deh, cocok kok klo berkeluarga ntar..
-#SCORPIO & #CANCER are actually more emotionally than #Pisces. Its just that unlike the other water signs our sign doesn't have a shell
Lha? Kan emang bener Zoro dan Nami yg basic-nya orang kolerik itu lebih emosional dan temperamental dibanding Sanji yg basic-nya melankolis.
-#Pisces are analytical like #Aquarius
Sanji dan Robin gitu loh, emang yg paling analitis di kru SH.
-#ARIES depends on #PISCES sensitivity and gentleness to soothe, heal, and provide a sanctuary from the world of competing and achieving
Usopp kan emang ditolongin Sanji mlulu. Jadi inget quote Sanji ke Usopp pas di Enies Lobby: "I'll do what you can't do and you'll do what I can't do." Dan, mmm, Brook bergantung ke Sanji juga ga ya soal.... kemesuman bersama.
-#PISCES & #VIRGO are zodiac opposites. That means we may clash big time or we may perfectly accentuate each other
Masa sih? Sanji ma Hancock kan mirip banget. Sama2 orang ter-GEER seantero One Piece klo dikit2 Nami dan Luffy ngomong sesuatu. Mungkin karena itu kali ya berlawanan LOL
-#Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius = #Pisces
Ga berlebihan niy? Jadi, Pisces itu zodiak paling sempurna? Ah iya, Pisces itu kan urutan terakhir dalam zodiak.
SOURCE: Twitter @ZodiacFact and @PiscesAreUs.
Aduh, fakta2nya masih seabreg nih. Tapi segini dulu deh........ Aku ga bohong bilang semua ini asli copas Tweet mereka, tapi untuk urusan faktanya boleh percaya boleh tidak.