(no subject)

Oct 23, 2011 22:22

Are there any fics you guys know of with a sympathetic, multi-dimensional Moriarty? Not a fic where he is secretly a good guy or anything like that, but a fic that shows his personality in more detail, why he does what he does, how he got the way he is...not just the two dimensional nelly asshat that likes to blow shit up.

I have a "there but for the grace of god go I" love/hate thing for him, and would like to read him portrayed in a realistic way.

Or do I need to write this damn thing?

Could I write believable Jim/Sherlock? Or Jim/John? Or Jim/Mycroft?

...without noncon?

pleasegodfuckno I don't want to write this thing...

No, seriously I can't. It would have to be a long fic to pull that kind of shenanigans believably, and I'm shit at juggling multiple story arcs unless I'm only writing oneshots on the side. So this means cracky coauthoring with grassle-- yes, thinky Jim character study with improbable pairing-- no.

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