My Trek-Related Podcast Segments: Trek and Arthuriana, Native America, and Crossover Genius

Sep 08, 2016 17:45

Because I'm bursting with Star Trek love today on the franchise's 50th birthday, and just in case you're looking for some free Star Trek discussion, I thought I'd repost these Trek-related "Looking Back in Genre History" StarShipSofa podcast segments of mine. If you listen, I hope you enjoy!

First, my tribute to the weird and wonderful multi-crossover Ishmael by Barbara Hambly, a most unusual Star Trek novel, and one of my very favorite ones: here it is!

Second, inspired by my essay "The Sword in the Starship: Arthuriana in Four Incarnations of Star Trek" (published in Winedark Sea), here is my two-part discussion of Arthuriana and Star Trek.
- Part 1
- Part 2

Third, inspired by my essay "If This Is the (Final) Frontier, Where Are the Natives?" (published in Star Trek and History), here is my three-part discussion of Native America and Star Trek.
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3

Thanks for letting me share these with you.

And last, just for nostalgia and laughs, here is the most fangirlish photo I think I have. This is me with the wonderful Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "baddie" triumvirate of Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun), Casey Biggs (Damar), and Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat). That was a very fun day!

fandom, podcasts, star trek

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