I Come Bearing Vintage X-Files and Lone Gunmen Goodies

Jan 31, 2016 08:35

In this X-Files revival moment, I thought I'd share a couple of older X-Files-ish goodies for those of you like me who want to believe.

* My "Looking Back on Genre History" StarShipSofa tribute to The X-Files features my "whirlwind tour" of the genre ancestors of Agents Mulder and Scully of The X-Files -- in other words, a discussion of the history of science fiction investigators in literature and television. It begins about 13 minutes into the podcast. You can stream or download it here. If you listen, I hope you enjoy!

* Some time ago I compiled a list of post-colonization/post-apocalyptic X-Files and Lone Gunmen fan fiction stories that feature all or at least one of the Lone Gunmen characters (Melvin Frohike, John F. Byers, Richard "Ringo" Langly). My current list is no doubt incomplete, so any suggestions or recommendations would be welcome. Many thanks!

"A World to Save" by geb
Author's notes: R for language and other "adult situations"; MSR of a sort; major Scully angst; story set in the future.
Summary: "Mulder told me that the Torah says if you kill one person, you kill a whole world because you have also killed that person's children and his children's children and so on. And, if you save one person, you save a whole world. I have only been trying to keep my child alive. I have only been trying to save a world."

"After the Future" Series by Donna
Author's notes: PG-13, Post-colonization, MSR, Skinner/other, Babyfic, Angst.

"Boogie Street" by David Hearne
Author's notes: PG; Post-col.

"Family by Choice" by Meghan O'Connor
Author's notes: PG-13, Post-Colonization, Character death, LGM/other.
Summary: Looking back on one woman's life.

"In the Streets of Fire - A Gunman's Lament" by Martha
Author's notes: PG.
"I see by your outfit that you are a cowboy,"
These words he did say as I boldly stepped by.
"Come sit down beside me and hear my sad story -
I'm shot in the breast and I know I must die."
- The Cowboy's Lament (aka Streets of Laredo)
Francis Henry Maynard 1876

"Journal 1999" and "Journal 2000" by MD1016
Author's notes: NC-17, MSR, Post-colonization.
Summary: The first three months of post-colonization Earth from Scully's point of view. Then, the struggle continues.

"Life During Wartime," a series by various authors
Authors' notes: a post-colonization series, written from varying points of view. Series content warning: Lots of angst, lots of death, lots of violence. Individual stories may or may not carry more specific keywords.

"One of the Byers" by Alloway
Author's notes: G; Alternate universe.
Summary: In the Post-Project future, Mulder enlists the help of a much-changed former Gunman.

"Return" by waterfall
Author's notes: PG-13 for mild swearing, Post-col.
Summary: When letting go does not equate to giving up.

"Silent Running" by Ms. AM
Author's notes: NC-17; Apocalypse.

"The Absence of Memory" by Narida Law
Author's notes: R (disturbing themes), MSR, MT, ST, MA, SA, Post-Colonization, Character Death.

"The Beginning of Sorrows" by Philiater
Author's notes: PG13 I think. Post colonization. AU.

"Then What of Our Nightmares" by Kelly Moreland
Author's notes: NC-17 for disturbing images. SAngst/MT. Post Colonization.

"Tuebor" by Slippin' Mickeys
Author's notes: PG-13, language, violence, nooky. Kinda.
Summary: 25 years in one night.

"Warmth" by Morgan Stuart
Author's notes: R; Post-colonization; Character Death; Surprise Pairings.
Summary: It is now eleven years in the future, eight since "the cataclysm," and only three of the characters we know have survived.

"We Chosen Few" by nicholarichardson
Author's notes: death, sickness, disability, sexual situations
Summary: After the discovery of the vaccine the Colonists bring forward the colonisation date. With so little time to prepare those with the power to do so use a weaker version of the vaccine to save those who will make the biggest difference. The vaccine is far from perfect, and will cause problems for everyone. But its nothing compare to trying to survive the colonists and the threats this new world is filled with.

"William Long-Ears" By Myriss
Author's notes: PG-13, Post-Col, AU, *CHARACTER DEATH*, Implied MSR.
Summary: It was the rabbit who sacrified himself by jumping into the pot to feed the starving Buddha.

"Won and Lost" By Branwell
Author's notes: G, Vignette, Angst, Mulder/Scully Romance.

And one that is not quite but almost post-colonization:

"Reunion" By Sue
Author's notes: PG, General/Het/JTS.
Summary: Long-standing fellow travelers regroup.

fan fiction, podcasts, x-files

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