I'm back, staggeringly jetlagged and tired but very happy, from a fantastic visit to London and
Loncon 3/Worldcon. I'll be catching up on emails shortly. Pictures and reports of my English adventures will follow. You have been warned.
For now, let me say that the third and final installment of my "Looking Back on Genre History" series entitled "Seeking Dumbledore's Mother: Harry Potter in a Native American Context" is now live on
StarShipSofa. If you listen, I hope you enjoy. Here are links to all three segments:
"Seeking Dumbledore's Mother": Part 1 of 3-
"Seeking Dumbledore's Mother": Part 2 of 3-
"Seeking Dumbledore's Mother": Part 3 of 3 I'll leave you with a couple of my photos of notes left by fans at the
The Sherlock Holmes Museum in London.