It's official! I'm delighted to say that I'll be giving two hour-long talks at
Loncon 3: The 72nd World Science Fiction Convention in London this summer. One will be with the Young Adult Track, "Millennials and Worlds Gone Wrong: Or, Why These Aren't Your Grandparents' YA Dystopias," and one will be with the Academic Track, "Sherlock Holmes and Science Fiction." It looks like I'll be on some terrific panels, as well. I'll post my schedule when I know it. (Special thanks to
I'd also like to offer my congratulations to my undergraduate and graduate students who were chosen to present their original research from this semester formally during Lenoir-Rhyne University's campus-wide
SOURCE: Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression. Three cheers for Elena Margo Gould ("Black Elk's Syncretic Spirituality"), Angelia Bedford ("Native Americans and the Criminal Justice System"), Liz Goebelbecker ("Spirit for Sale"), and Leah Phillips ("A Study of How Euro-American Disease and Medicine Affected the Nebraska Winnebago Native"). Well done!
Some Kickstarters of interest:
Edgar Allan Poe illustrated "Ravings of Love & Death" (Thanks to
Diane!) This one ends today!
The Miskatonic School for Girls: Holiday Break Expansion (Thanks to
Geek Theater: Anthology of Science Fiction & Fantasy Plays-
Star Wars Lightsabers from Science Fiction to Science Fact