Hi there! *waves* Lots of interesting things are afoot. I can only make brief mention of a couple of them at present, as I'm getting ready to head off to D.C. to give a talk on U.S. American Indian policy at the Cato Institute. It's a super-fast trip; I'll be back straightaway!
Brief notes of interest...
* It's official: The Hobbit will be
three films instead of two.
* Happy birthday to Harry Potter (and J.K. Rowling)!
* The
Hunger Games: Catching Fire casting offers one great surprise after another. Wiress? Beetee? Plutarch Heavensbee? Brilliant!
I'll leave you with gratuitous picspam of my precious niece. Here's Kaitlyn enjoying her new wading pool. I love her sassypants expression. If I could choose a caption for this photo, it would be...
No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die." *insert baby Kaitlyn giggles here* (See why they don't let me near the family album?)
"I should like to know about risks, out-of-pocket expenses, time required and remuneration, and so forth" - by which he meant: "What am I going to get out of it? and am I going to come back alive?" - The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien