Mr. Mulder, "they" have been here for a long, long time.

Jan 18, 2011 16:54

I'm back from a terrific experience in Washington, D.C. Everything was right where I left it last time, although I was disappointed not to find Fox Mulder and Deep Throat sitting on a bench and gazing at the Potomac. (On a related note, we just rewatched the "Duane Barry" and "Ascension" episodes of The X-Files, and I was struck by how much a young Alex Krycek resembles Captain Jack Harkness. That explains a lot, actually.)

Happy birthday to astromachy and manonlechat, and happy early birthday to shalna. I hope all of you enjoy many happy returns of the day!

I'm still catching up. More soon!

For those who haven't seen it yet, a new favorite from xkcd:

tolkien, x-files

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