NASFiC or Bust!

Aug 03, 2010 10:39

Shortly I'll be off to ReConStruction, The 10th Occasional North American Science Fiction Convention.

The final schedule is not yet available (and the current pocket version includes two schedules that conflict with one another), so I'm not sure when my events will take place. I do know that this is what is lined up for me:

I'll be giving one solo multimedia presentation: Young Adult Dystopias: What Do They Mean for SF?

I'll also be on the following panels:

LIT042: Isn't Young Adult Fiction A Good Thing?
(with John Hemry, Debra Killeen, and Jana Oliver)

LIT108: Harry Potter Retrospective
(with Conni Covington and Petra Mitchell)

MED001: Alternate History in Star Trek
(with Dan Kimmel and Tom Rockwell)

MIS005: Regional Fandom
(with Davey Beauchamp, Martha Fischer, Paul Fischer, and Tom Rockwell)

MIS006: Reviving Fandom's Relevance to the 21st Century
(with Mary Robinette Kowal, Mur Lafferty, and Tom Rockwell)

I have an autograph session scheduled, as well.

I hope to see some of you there!

In other news...

* In honor of his upcoming 90th birthday, CNN offers a new interview with Ray Bradbury: "Sci-Fi Legend Ray Bradbury on God, 'Monsters and Angels'."

* Happy birthday to zmaddoc, and happy early birthday to wiccagirl24, febobe, and ghani_atreides. May you enjoy many happy returns of the day, my friends!

"Everything in our life should be based on love."
- Ray Bradbury

presentations, fandom, cons, sf

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