Jan 22, 2005 00:17
Species: Deinonychus, full breed (haven't decided if I want to go with the modern idea of Deinonychi being feathered. Chaonen just doesn't seem very good feathered..)
Chaonen is, the good son. His full name is Chaonen [insert middle name] Atlan, but the last name is arbitary as Oni and Ark just gave it too him as regular Cephtans have last names and it would be too unusual if he didn't. Not like he lives as publically as regular people, especially with Oni and Ark as 'parents' but he eventually is put in a private school for the equivilant of highschool (Keynata Academy).
Outwardly he appears perfectly normal and is actually quite popular at the Academy. He's extremely intelligent, a young genius even, pretty handsome and a very nice person. There's just this calm about him. The only 'problem' is that Chaonen doesn't participate in any extracurricular activities, not even student council. Though he does help with the school's judiciary council, but not as an active member. Actually, most of the time he seems to just 'disappear' after school. Nor does he date. He's social yet not social at the same time, and is an expert dodger of questions. Most people don't even realize he dodged their question. And if they do it may be days later. Really the most people know of him outside of school is that he lives in Keynata (the school does have dorms but isn't required that you live there). And if not within Keynata limits then close-ish (the school is located on the far northwestern edge of Keynata) .
Though he did have a rather awkward childhood and hadn't gotten along every well with other children, also he had been mostly homeschool before the Academy. So for being so secluded he does rather well in public. Then again people don't know he does get out. Quite alot as he works under the merc name Eldritch too, though of course not nearly as much as Oni, Ark and Terrall. It's more a training for him than living. That and unless he gets a regular job, which is discouraged, he feels he ought to help provide a little.
Chaonen does have some more.. eerie qualities about him though. He's a natural in Dark magic (Dark magic looked upon very negatively by the general populace), seems to have come with a shadow servant/pet, and likes blood. Mostly drinking it, not necessarily spilling from someone. Actually he likes to keep things clean, so he prefers his blood in a glass. Compared to the average Cephtan he's a bit feral. There are still some hunting instincts in him and automatic 'animal' responses. He nests when he sleeps too (something that Ark had hoped he'd grow out of but never did. Asia finds it adorable). Chaonen can't eat vegetables, only meat, preferrably raw, and some breads.
His relationship with Oni is good. He unfortunately sees her as his mother. His first memories are of her and mainly sees her as his mother because of that. Sort of an impression thing. First thing you see is who you identify with an all. It took him a while to figure out why he didn't have any fur and these giant claws on his feet. It was a struggle though, having Oni as your mother. She just didn't know what to do with him. Taking care of children was a mystery to her. Though she did try, just failed miserably. But the moments she got it right and paid attention to him was bliss to him. A pat on the head was something to be treasured. At first he was resentful, but realized what had been going on as he grew older.
Chaonen also love Ark. Ark had paid him loads of attention, especially when he was a kid. He's also one reason why Chaonen wondered why he didn't have fur as a young saurian. Unlike Oni, Ark is good with kids. He loves kids even. Unfortunately because of this Chaonen also turned a blind eye to clues and hints of Ark's abusive behavior to Oni. When he got older he couldn't deny it anymore, but felt he had no place to do anything about it. Also Oni always kept insisting that everything was fine. So he'd just have to smile sadly and lie, saying he wouldn't worry about it, everytime.
As for Terrall.. Terrall's the fun uncle. He's great and Chaonen gets along with him just fine. The snakey is definitely family in his eyes. Chaonen sometimes even drinks with Terrall though never nearly as much as the snakey. Chaonen's probably never been drunk in his life or close to being intoxicated.