Feb 29, 2008 07:27
Congress is finally listening to your letters and calls. But our representatives in Washington must keep hearing from the American people telling them to keep standing up for the Constitution.
We must send the strongest message possible to Congress: “Keep Standing Up to Bush Fear-Mongering!” Here’s where we need your help: Can you ask your friends to sign the petition? (There's copy you can forward to your friends at the end of this email.)
Something noteworthy is happening right now. The American people aren’t buying the administration’s propaganda -- in spite of administration officials issuing ominous warnings. Republicans have even launched a deceptive TV ad in the sensationalist style of "24." But, the American people aren’t falling for it. And so far, House leaders aren’t either.
Because of your help, we’ve got the fear merchants on the run. And we must insist that Congress -- with continued leadership from House Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Hoyer -- pass domestic surveillance legislation that keeps us safe and free.
There’s no predicting what happens next and no guaranteeing that House leaders will continue to hold the line. That’s why we need to keep the pressure on. Please click here to ask your friends to sign the petition -- or, send them a quick note like the one at the bottom of this email. And make sure to pay close attention to your ACLU emails in the crucial days ahead.
Thanks for all you are doing.
Caroline Fredrickson, ACLU
Caroline Fredrickson, Director
ACLU Washington Legislative Office
P.S. If you'd rather cut and paste, here's a short note you can send to your friends.
Subject: Fear-mongers
Finally, the House of Representatives has stood up to President Bush’s fear-mongering.
The Bush White House tried to bully the House of Representatives on an important bill that affects your privacy. With cries of “soft on terrorism,” they insisted that the House pass a bill giving immunity to telecommunications companies that handed over the phone and email records of innocent Americans without a warrant.
Now the Bush administration is doing everything they can to force Congress to cave in to their demands. Tell the House to stand strong against such tactics.
Join me and the ACLU and tell the House to put “Facts Over Fear.” Please sign the petition at: