glorious issued a
challenge involving a very interesting AU idea. I couldn't resist.
EDIT: Journal is now f-locked, so the premise:
ATTN: Abyss Fic-writers~
anime_kisekae and I have started an AU of sorts inspired by the anime Simoun. Basically, the premise of this AU is that everyone is born a girl and then chooses a permanent sex when they turn 17. We already did Van and Luke if you want some sort of idea of what we're doing here.
Ergo, a quickie on gender-swapped!Guy. >.>; I probably won't do more than this unless on a whim. Genderswap in fics isn't exactly my thing.
She hadn't minded being a girl. Not at first. Her mother was happy to have two beautiful daughters, and Gailardia felt more like a girl's name, being a flower - albeit a resilient breed. Her father wanted an heir, but didn't pressure her; only smiled, and brought it up in a tone absent of any guilty undertones when it suited the conversation. Life was wonderfully free, and she enjoyed not having to even consider making a decision until she was much older. Truly, in those first few years, she had never understood what it meant, that change, that choice.
The war changed everything.
She remembered what had happened, and yet, she did not. She remembered explosions, and screaming - the pressure of breasts against her tiny chest, pinning her to the floor. She remembered blood, and vacant, feminine faces. She woke screaming and forgot why; looked down at her hands and fought the urge to scream again.
She was five years old, and terrified of herself.
It was, she recalled, the easiest decision of her life. When she had finally gained enough coherency, stopped shaking enough to think, stopped screaming enough to speak, she took one look at herself (trembling as she did so, quickly closed her eyes as a cry began to form in her throat), she knew at that moment that there was no escaping this. She knew that she would be terrified all her life unless something changed.
She'd begged and pleaded to be treated as a special case, to seek out the Fon Master and escape what she was and couldn't bear to be any longer, but she was denied. Again and again she petitioned them for aid; again and again she was refused. That wasn't how it worked, they told her. Wait until you're seventeen like everyone else, they said. Get over your illogical fear, they didn't say, though she knew they were thinking it.
So they'd gone to Kimlasca, to distract her, to take her mind off her body and set it on the course of revenge. She'd gone with Pere to House Fabre, and she'd served, and she'd waited, and she'd planned for the day when she would finally make that change - the day that her fear would be gone, replaced by her resolve. And then, when Luxanne turned eighteen (she would make the same decision, she was almost certain) she, he would cut the Fabre heir's throat. And then it would be over.
But Luxanne was kidnapped. Luxanne lost her memories. Luxanne needed her help, her support, her friendship. Though they never touched, not once, something stirred in her heart, gnawed away at that resolve, bit by bit.
So when she truly became Guy, a guy, he marveled at the sight of a body without breasts or feminine features, a voice with a masculine sound to it. He loved being able to look at himself without crying out, loved being able to change without shaking. He smiled and laughed and yes, even cried, when no one was looking, because he'd never felt so liberated.
He smiled and laughed and not once thought that he was one step closer to achieving his goal.
And then on the day Luxanne became Luke, when all traces of his former femininity was gone, Guy offered him a broad grin and a friendly embrace, and told him, quite plainly, that things would be different from now on - that they'd be different, and that he was glad, so glad, that he'd chosen this, though he hadn't dared to say as much until then.