Jan 17, 2010 01:31
Community update as of 4/13/11: This community now functions as a musebox. If an existing member of the game is willing to extend an invitation or a reccomendation to you, it is NOT necessary to complete an application for a character. Simply leave a comment here with the journal of the existing player, and the name/fandom of your character, along with your name/age/contact information.
* If you are unknown to the players of El Dorado, you may complete the application below for consideration.
* If you are a current player, simply comment to the taken list to add new characters to El Dorado.
application ❖
Make sure to read the rules before applying!
All questions about what we do and do not accept can be read there. This page will be edited if there is a time in which we close down applications, as well as listed in the game's information. Make sure that all fields are filled out in your application before hand!
Here are some notes that we have compiled over time to help our applicants:
- Mun Information: All mun information is confidential and will not be given out for any reason. It is up to the player to post their AIM information in the OOC and to the contact list after they have been approved if they would like other players in the game to have it.
- Brief history: We accept links to online biographies or wiki pages to fulfill this requirement. Some players prefer to write their own history. If you're writing an AU version of a canon character, or an OC, you must write up a detailed history section for us. Writing a few starting paragraphs for a history and then attaching an outside link is also fine.
The mod team tends to use the history as a guide to characters that we are unfamiliar with, so please, give us enough information so that we may review your application fairly. If you choose not to link to an outside biography, please give us several paragraphs of background on your character.
- Personality: Your personality section should tell as much about your character as you are able to say. Generally, you should be able to give us (at minimum) 250 words in at least two solid paragraphs. No, we're really not going to check and make sure that your personality section isn't a few words short, but we've noticed that most of our revision requests have had us asking for more information in the personality section.
Give us traits, cite examples, and talk about what you love about the character you're applying for. Little details are fun to read, but also make sure you cover the most important aspects of their personality.
- Abilities: Please be specific in this section, and assume that at least one mod won't be familiar with the character. It doesn't have to be more than a paragraph, but be thorough.
- Third-person sample: Your third-person sample should be no less than 250 words featuring your character, and could be taken from anywhere. Posts from previous games, pre-written introductions for El Dorado, and pieces of fiction written just for fun are all acceptable. The only thing that we do not want is a thread from SWS. The point of SWS is brevity, but the point of the sample is to showcase your work as a writer.
If you need any assistance, you're always welcome to contact us through our email: eldoradomods[at]gmail[dot]com. We are very willing to help anyone interested in the game through the application process, and will respond as quickly as possible.
The application is below. Make sure to post this exact format or we will ask you to repost it. Comment below with your completed application!
Thank you!
Mun Information
AIM/MSN name:
Age: (You can estimate as long as you're over 18.)
Current Characters in El Dorado: (if any)
Character Information
Canon point:
Brief history: (You may summarize, and then post a link to website if necessary.)
Abilities: (If applicable)
Third-person sample:
Magic word: