Orwell and Nietchze sitting in a tree.

Aug 31, 2006 21:16

I finished 1984 today and It sort of inspired thoughts of how lucky we are to live in a nation where we are allowed to think freely; no matter what the flaws present in America, we are still allowed to think.

BUt then I repented. I am allowed any thought I can think and I spend my Intellectual liberties trying to proove that my sister's fish is a Nietchzean Ubermench... or Uberfish I guess.

P. S. School tomorow fun fun [Annoying Ntspk* smileyface deleted because I haven't yet sunk that low]

*Netspeak: Newspeak 1984 bringing it back to the beginning intense circular structure

circular structure, orwell, school, nietchze, sort of funny, fish

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