Jun 21, 2011 23:32
Gadzooks. It's been a while.
Rehearsals have started for the remount of Macbeth: The Video Game Remix, which will be at the Rarig Thrust for the Minnesota Fringe Festival. It's fascinating to me how different the show feels when reconfigured for a thrust stage. It seems like a whole new play that I just happen to have memorized for some strange reason. You should consider going, even if you've seen it before.
I'm on hiatus from work right now, as there is really nothing for me to do in the summer. I get two months off, which is pretty awesome. My department had a week of big year-end meetings that actually managed to be sort of fun. I met a whole bunch of people for the first time. We had a lovely departmental outing to Stillwater, where we did the silly but fun touristy thing of taking the trolley tour. I managed to get a decent amount of sun, which is a really tricky thing to pull off with my near-albino skin tone. A week of free lunches. And everyone gave me a $50 Target gift card as a thank you. Plus I had my yearly review and it was remarkably encouraging and positive. I was pretty floored by it all. Job recognition is not something I've really experienced before.
But, alas, with every up, life has to chuck you a few downs as well. Coming back home from the Stillwater outing, I got nailed for speeding. I've never gotten a speeding ticket before, and I felt like a real dope. And gee whiz, speeding tickets are a lot more expensive than I figured. Then I found out I got overdrawn at the bank. And not by just a little. A bunch of checks and card swipes hit at the same time, plus the penalties, and I wound up pretty far in the hole. Basically, it was because I was so caught up in the year-end meeting hoopla, I simply forgot to deposit my paycheck in time. How stupid do you have to be to forget to deposit a paycheck? Pretty stupid. I haven't gotten overdrawn in twenty years, and then I do this.
I'm above water now. It looks like all the charges that would get applied before the deposit registers have been applied. But this screw up really couldn't have happened at a worse time of year. The Twin Cities Improv Festival is this weekend, and I can't really spare the dough. And CONvergence is going to be really lean. I'll have to rely on the largesse of friends for food and booze to a much greater degree than I would hope. It seems I always gripe about money around CONvergence time, but this year it's not just whining.
As for the Fringe show I'm writing, acting and producing... Well, nothing has progressed there. I'm sure it'll turn out fine, but it's really, really not coming. For one thing, I had to put all my energies into meeting the marketing deadlines. For another, it's astounding how many silly distractions there are in life. I'm hitting like peak levels of distraction. This morning I was going to make oatmeal, and I let the entire pan of water boil away. It's ridiculous.
Anyway, my postcards came in today. They will not win any design awards, but I like them. Hopefully, they'll put some butts into seats. Now I just have to write a show that matches what's on the postcards. It's going to be called Death Perception, and I'm sure I'll post more about it later.
Stay on target, stay on target...
fringe festival,