May 25, 2008 10:52
Recent events have made me think about my health a little more. My health issues are minimal, really. They're just about nothing, especially compared to almost everyone else I know. But I think I know the one thing I need to do most.
(El Dogo pauses to take a slurp from his coffee cup, and glare at it.)
I need to get my caffeine addiction under control. It's gotten kind of ridiculous recently. My workplace has free coffee of decent quality, so that's been a factor. I'm drinking a pot a day easy. I need two cups, sometimes even three, just to get out the damn door in the morning. My headaches haven't been so bad, but that's because I've given up and just medicated them with coffee. I've been avoiding all kinds of things because my energy is low. Sometimes I get home from work and lay down for two hours, thus basically hosing my whole evening. One of my motivations for exercising was to increase my overall energy level, and I realize now I'm missing the root cause. I'm not tired, I'm suffering a pretty much continual caffeine crash.
I'm not doing anything. The weightlifting has pretty much stopped, because I don't feel up to it. I'm not looking for acting gigs or whatever because it feels exhausting. Some of this is depression and pessimism, yes, but the caffeine crashing is really compounding it.
I'm not going to cut caffeine out entirely, as I don't like the sensation of knives embedding themselves in my brain. My plan right now is to try switching to tea. Consuming liquid at the same rate, but liquid with a lower caffeine content. I'm not a big tea head, so this will be somewhat annoying for me. The workplace has plenty of tea. And I'm going to get some inexpensive black tea in bags. Tea snobs will have to deal. I'll see how it goes.
caffeine addiction