Mar 02, 2008 12:18
Yes yes, I am still sick, but it's finally gotten to the point of manageability. I had to cancel on a friend's 40th birthday party. I had to miss the Vilification Tennis show I helped on. I'm out of soup and fruit and cereal and kleenex. I'm tired, but I'm tired of sleeping. I'm very disappointed in my weekend of sicko misery. I'm hoping I can get it together for some emergency grocery shopping and Improv-A-Go-Go. Fingergun is supposed to perform, and that doesn't happen much anymore.
One of the hard things about being sick is how damn boring it can be. You can't concentrate enough on anything to be entertained by it. I got the first disk of Freaks and Geeks in from Netflix, but I could barely get through it. The fact it was a skippy, freezy, beat up Netflix disk didn't help either.
A particularly annoying symptom of sickness is the need to complain about everything. I'm sick of complaining about everything, so I'm going to stop.