Oct 06, 2004 20:13
The Ireland tickets have been purchased. Finally. So of course I'm going through buyer's remorse. Every dime that leaves my fingertips makes me freak. I keep running expenses through my mind, non-trip related stuff I need to buy or pay off in the next three weeks. Bills that will come due while I'm overseas are particularly galling. Part of me is going "I'm not going to use my phone for a week! Why am I paying for a full month?"
Then there are luxuries, which are stupidly hard to give up. Yesterday, I purchased the last issue of New Frontier, and the first issue of Catwoman: When in Rome. These will have to be my last comics purchases for the month. Putting it that way gives it a strange cold turkey finality that's mildly upsetting, but it's the truth.
Something that kind of straddles the luxury and trip necessity fence is a massage. I'm feeling really kinked up. It'd be nice to go to Ireland pre-relaxed, so to speak. But most likely that will not happen.
Also, the Minnesota Ad Show is tomorrow night. Admission and a couple sociable beers will run me about $50. Yes really. Ritzy industry events are like that. But I really want and need to go to this, both for my own entertainment and for my professional goals. (Which reminds me, I meant to stop by Brainco tonight to see what if any of my work was rejected. Crap.)
I thought I had a hooded windbreaker someplace, but I guess I donated it to Goodwill some time ago. So I don't have anything rain repellent and packable for a trip to a notoriously rainy part of the world. I'll need to get a small umbrella someplace.
And Mom and Dad called last night. They're driving down to visit my brother in Florida, and won't be back by the time I leave. So they called to wish me well. Mom wants me to take a picture of me kissing the Blarney Stone. Sheesh. I wanted to tell here the locals piss on it so they can laugh at the dumb Americans when they pucker up, but I just told here we wouldn't be going anywhere near it.
Going to go to bed early tonight. Because of The Show, I'll be up past bar close tomorrow, and I can't afford to call in sick Friday.