1. Your LiveJournal user name & what it means:
Back when I had a dog, I used to entertain myself and my roommates by narrating weird stories or jokes featuring the dog. It’s hard to explain, it was kind of my equivalent of cutesy baby talk. One day, I started narrating the dog's activities as if she was a Mexican wrestler, in this Univision announcer’s voice. It was in very bad Spanish, because, well, I don't speak Spanish. "Viva El Dogo! El Dogo magnifico! Los Avventuros Ellllll Dogoooooo!" Stuff like that. It kind of stuck and became a house in-joke.
When it came time for me to pick a net handle, I wracked my brain for some SF/fantasy/horror reference that would be obscure, yet easily recognizeable, and cool as hell. I couldn’t think of anything. Rather than stare at a blinking cursor for hours, I went with the first thing I could think of. Which was El Dogo.
I had to put her to sleep three years ago. I still miss her.
2. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) how well does your LiveJournal represent who you actually are?
Boy. That's hard to say. I’ll say a 7. I come off more morose and drab in LJ than I think I really am. That's what I get for posting mostly while goofing off at work, I guess.
3. How much about your life do you post to LJ?
Pretty much everything that doesn’t involve something negative about someone on my friend's list, or someone I know who’s close to someone on my friend's list. I'm rather open about things. The main reason I don't get really deep sometimes is that I just can't figure out how to put my feelings into words.
4. Is there anything you refuse to post about?
Not much. I try to avoid sexual frustration and politics, because it makes people uncomfortable and/or mad, but I've certainly gone those routes more than once.
5. On a scale of 1-10 how interesting do you think your own journal is to others?
Maybe a 3. It's mostly just reporting my day to day life, plus some film opinions no one else will likely share. I'd like it to be more than that, but I haven't had the energy.
6. Has anyone ever joined LJ because of you?
7. What proportion of your posts are friends only?
Almost none. I think I've only done two or three in the past three years. I let it all hang out, as it were.
8. What is your favorite interest on LJ?
I don't check the interests much. I've searched for people into Robyn Hitchcock and XTC a couple times, b-movies maybe a couple more.
9. How often do you post in communities, and did you ever start your own?
Once in a while. I've posted to _dreams_ and dream_journal a couple times, because I find recounting and listening to other people's dreams to be entertaining.
I've never started a community, thought. Wouldn't have any idea what I might start one on.
10. How often do you respond to/comment on other people's journals?
An average-ish amount, I guess. I'd say I make a couple of comments per day.
11. Do you prefer to write in your journal or read other journals?
I like both pretty much equally.
12. Have you ever had something mean said to you or been stalked, harassed or got into an argument/flame war on LJ (or did it to someone else)?
No. But I've seen the flames sort of flickering off in the distance.
13. Have you ever banned someone from your journal?
14. Who are your three favorite LJ friend(s) and why?
I can't really answer this. I wouldn't be able to come up with the top three, and besides, it'd just be gauche to do so.
15. Of all of the people on LJ you know of, who is the most like you?
Man, I dunno. I guess my general tastes are the most similar with
revdj. And I identify most with the frustrations of
magicmarmot and
zhandlen, and with
chebutykin and her unholy glee for all things geeky.
16. Why are you most likely to add someone to your friends list?
I meet them in real life or online someplace else, and think they're cool. Or they're on a bunch of friend's lists of other friends, and I get curious about them.
17. Do you automatically add friends to your journal if they add you first?
Usually. It just seems like the polite thing to do.
18. What is the most likely reason you wouldn't add someone to your friends list?
I don't know who the hell they are. Or their opinions are too different from mine to be able to find a point of commonality.
19. Is your "significant other" on LJ?
I don't have an SO. So, in a sense, I guess the answer is "yes".