*dusts off journal*
It's aliiiiiiiiiiive. Or, yanno, something.
How are you all? I've been awful about keeping up with people lately. I've been trying but sitting down for more than a couple of minutes without constant interruptions has been pretty impossible. I need to disappear off to an island somewhere. A tropical one. With Jensen and Jared. And laws that prohibit them wearing clothing and require them to shag multiple times a day for my pleasure. Yup. Anyone wanna come? ;)
Anyway, haven't really been up to much. The most exciting thing to have happened is the fact that I finally said goodbye to the bucket of junk that was my old computer because I actually built myself a new one. I'm quite impressed actually. It's been nearly a week and nothing has exploded yet. Part of me is a little disappointed because blowing things up is fun, but it would have been rather costly so I suppose it's a good thing really. But yes. It was ridiculously hard to say goodbye to the bucket of junk. (I get emotionally attached to everything. Seriously. I'd elaborate with tales of the real reason why I never littered as a child but you'd all think I was crazy. Not that I'm not of course, but anyway.) But new one is shiny and smexy and I loves. I need to give it a name though. Suggestions?
Also, I went on a bit of a friending spree.
keepaofthecheez is hosting an
SPN friending meme and there were just so many awesome and shiny people there! So if I friended you and you're wondering who the hell I am, there ya go. Feel free to pull up a pew and ask any questions you might have. Although chances are if I've friended you it's because your likes and dislikes were spookily similar to mine. Or perhaps not so spookily given the show and the enticement. The boys; they so pretty.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to getting to know all you new people, and also catching up with everyone else. Hopefully I’ll actually have posts with points coming soon, or maybe I’ll just settle for ridiculous amounts of squee and pic spam since coherency apparently isn’t my strong point at the moment. Either way, I endeavour to make an effort to be around more often. Yes.
Much ♥ to you all. <33