Sunday Shivers

Jan 20, 2008 01:03

One of my writing buddies/crit partner helped me with the research I needed and everything fell perfectly into place. Always so exciting when the pieces come together in ways you didn't anticipate and yet even more fun than what was planned.
I can't wait to get these chapters written! The place I needed for the crossing into their world turned out to be a 'real' place...and within exactly the distance I needed to make it reasonable :) And the entire area I chose turned out to have an interesting detail that is going to create some real fun. YAY! for things working out even better than planned.

We hit severe windchills today. Gratefully no school tomorrow, I would not send my kids to the bus stop in these temperatures. Shoot, we don't even allow our horses out at these temps because of the risk of lung damage and frostbite...why should I sent my children out in weather I won't expose my animals to?
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