(no subject)

Jun 16, 2008 14:05

What is it that makes it so provocative to some men to see a female read a map, that they have to stop and ask if I need help, and that they won't, just won't, take "no thanks, I have a map, I'll be fine" for an answer? What is wrong with their self-esteme that they can't accept that some random girl in the street can actually get by in life without their help?
     Why do they have to keep standing around, interrogating me and forcing me to point out in which direction I think I should go, before I've had a chance to check the map, since well, they stopped me from doing so? How can their laughter sound so belittleing when they say "well, then you really do need help, then you're lost", as I point slightly in the wrong direction?
     Now that may, just possibly, maybe, be the reason I stopped to check the map in the first place - that I didn't know exactly where I was going. That may even be what maps are for? Just a theory.
     Do they really think I'd have brought a map if I couldn't read it? How is it not part of their smugness calculations that if they'd have just left me in peace and let me read the map I would have been long since gone, in the right direction, by the time they gather those smug-points for having proven me "wrong"?

So, you say that they're just trying to be nice and helpful, and that I can't really complain about that? But, if it was just common human kindness, at least some of them would ... be women? And at least some of them would sod off and leave me in peace when I nicely but firmly turn down their offer of help, no?
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