First post

Jan 20, 2005 18:26

lets see... this is a blog... n u write ur thoughts in it, rite?
ok, concept check done.
hello ^^ the name's ElderG, pronounced El-der G ^^

lets talk about to day... but today was VERY boring (execpt the occasional DotA matches... i'll be getting there) so lets talk about Yesterday ^^

yesterday = awake. while i did sleep quite early (1 a.m anyone?), ill still snozze in class. Its instincts ^^. Yesterday however, my eyes were wide open the whole time. Must be lossing my touch XP.

yesterdays good - talked more to Erica n Vitia (Vitia decided to FFK MDM classes), got little work for the upcoming hols (which is today ^^), found Jeniffer (she dyed her hair red n SERIOUSLY, i couldn't tell it was her till she started talking), shopping at pyramid wit Chi Kheng n Jeniffer (an interesting insight into the mind of shopping girls ^^), rock climbing, and the LONG sleep after ^^ ZZZZZzzzzzz.....

yesterdays bad - Erica lost her wallet (a BRIGHT BLUE 1 at that... how could we have missed it?), i'm 30 bucks poorer, my arms ache (climbing rocks can do that to you ^^), Liz doesn't have hols tomorrow (thats today) so cant go disturb her, Brian busy too... and i'm dead tired.

now to go disturd other ppls blogs ^^
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