Feb 18, 2004 12:30
1. wake up and work on ochem lab write up
2. go to class
3. go to ochem lab for 3 hours
4. go to research lab for 6 hours
5. come home to finally relax and get a well deserved goodnight's sleep.
6. remember I have a linguistics take-home quiz due tomorrow.
7. talk to Matt about said quiz and learn that there's another assignment due tomorrow also.
8. work until 2:30 when I go to bed.
9. Find out that we could turn all of the linguistics stuff in on Friday
I must also say that after nine hours of wearing latex gloves my hands had a nasty red rash all over them that itched like crazy. On top of everything I've lost 3.25$ to vending machines in the past two days. I hate them so much.
To make up for all my bitching, I'll share a nugget of joy from Systems Neuroscience with you. Dr. Smith said that the hypothalamus regulates the 4 F's; Feeding, Fleeing, Fighting, and Mating.