Call of Cthulhu

Oct 01, 2005 18:04

This is real. This is not a fake trailer, this is a real movie created by the HPL Historical Society. It's done authentically as silent movie, the way it might have been done in the 20s had HPL done it himself. I want this so bad, I can taste it. It can be ordered on DVD, and come hell or high water, I will get it.

See the trailer here.

In the meantime, take the HPLHS SaniTest (tm).

Here's how I scored:

Your SaniTest(TM) Results

Your score is: 120

For easier understanding, the HPLHS SaniTest assessment algorithm converts your raw score to a scale of 1 to 10. This number is your INSANITY INDEX.

INSANITY INDEX 6.51 Thank you for taking the SaniTest(TM). Your score suggests that you are rather unbalanced. People who score at this level frequently have perverse secrets or repressed memories which cause them to behave strangely or say wildly inappropriate things. Others who scored at this level include ex-president Ronald Reagan.


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