(no subject)

Dec 27, 2007 08:28

Well, I'll be heading back tomorrow to NY. Christmas this year was pretty much as it always is. A million relatives, the traditional drawing of family tree diagrams for the little ones to show just how everyone's related to who (and therefore who you're obligated to pretend to know), a half-dozen dogs underfoot, Aunt Sally getting snackered and passing out, Grandpa yelling and fighting with whomever he can, Charlie and Mindy fighting mostly with each other, tons of food, lots of presents (what the hell are toe socks?) and Mom somehow getting all of it to go together without anyone killing each other.

So yeah - great time. As predicted, my brothers and dad seem to think the Pentamerone is an establishment to assist the slightly nutty (they've never believed the whole "I'm a goat" thing, and really, I don't blame them.) So I think it made them feel good to think their worrying is finally paying off and that I'm getting "help." So I'm letting them keep their delusions; after all, they're letting me keep mine. Mom wants to come see the place; I don't think it's a very good idea. She'd hate NY. Even I can barely the stand the place.

So yeah, back tomorrow. I gotta get to work. Say, I better find an apartment, I think I'm about to wear out my welcome in the "guest" quarters of the Pen.
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