Буржуазная наука генетика

Aug 19, 2013 21:25

Пришли первые результаты анализа ДНК на 23andme.

  • Paternal (Y-chromosome) Haplogroup: R1a1a, a subgroup of R1a1
  • Age: 12,000 years
  • Region: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Southwestern Asia, India
  • Populations: Ukrainians, Indians, Poles
  • Highlight: R1a1a is the most common haplogroup in eastern Europe.

  • Maternal (MtDNA) Haplogroup: U5, a subgroup of R
  • Age: 40,000 years
  • Region: Europe, Near East, North Africa
  • Populations: Basques, Saami (Lapps) of northern Scandinavia
  • Highlight: Though primarily a European haplogroup, U5 was recently found in mitochondrial DNA extracted from the remains of a 6th-century AD Chinese chieftain.
An estimated 2.8% of your DNA is from Neanderthals.
З.Ы.: Кстати, если кто-то захочет повторить, может перейти по этой ссылке http://refer.23andme.com/a/clk/12T4G0 и мне за это дадут $10 на Амазоне (если не врут).
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