horrible things

Oct 27, 2005 14:12

So I fed my Burmese Python (named Precious) a guinea pig two days ago. I went to the store to buy a rat, but went to leave because they didn't have them in Precious size, so the guy said he'd sell me two guinea pigs for ten dollars. So I bought them and brought them home; one for me and one for my roommate's snake Honky. Well Laurence & I fed the ugly one to my snake.

Guinea pigs can scream, and it is very discomposing.

Laurence said he couldn't bare to do that to the other pig, and said he would just keep it as a pet. I told him that's fine as long as he pays the life dowry of five dollars. As horrible as the whole experience was, I didn't want a damn guinea pig, and would've kept the other one for a week and done the whole thing again.

And poor Sara was right downstairs when it happened so she heard the shrieks and cried a bit. I felt really bad for that, so I told her from now on she should probably just stay in the car while I'm in the pet store getting snake food, and not be around when I feed. Ignorance is truly bliss. So now we have (well, L-Tron has) a pet guinea pig named Close Call, or Lucky for short. He's an adorable little bastard, and Sara just loves him. I try to keep a distance in case I ever have to help send one of his cousins to their afterlifes.

You know, my snake eats once a week, and will live about 20 years. That is 1040 of my fellow mammals that I will buy for her to strangle and eat in her lifetime. That makes me feel a little dirty. Oh well; 64 down, 976 to go.

Yall are lucky; I can't figure out how to insert a picture.

Funny thing yesterday; I was sitting outside of the LAR under a tree and kinda by a bush, when I got bit on my lower back by a goddamned little gnome. It was funny really, then I squashed him.

I need to stop avoiding my homework now; damn my Cultura y Civilización de España class.
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