I sewed stuff!

Dec 27, 2006 21:12

 Mom ALMOST has a skirt.  Well, she has an underskirt, and an underskirt ruffle 1/3 pleated, and a forepart-ish piece with the lace pieced and basted onto it, and an overskirt in need of a hem.  So almost is a bit of an overstatement.  But still, its coming along!  I might be able to finish it tonight.  Hooray for narrow skirts that are only about 75 inches at the hem and therefore require less pleating of ruffles.

Oh, and today was pretty much the ultimate in time-saving success.  I had a post-op checkup for my wisdom teeth surgery scheduled for 11:40, and an orthodontist appointment at 2.  And I would have had to stay out from 9am-3pm because mom had to drop sister off at a dance thing and she wanted to stay out and shop the rest of the time.  HOWEVER.  At 9:30, we called and got the orthodontist appointment moved up to 10:15.  Orthodontist looked in my mouth, said, "You JUST got your wisdom teeth out last week? Well, you're fine!  Wow!"  Called dental surgeon and told her what the orthodontist said, she said I didn't need to come to her office after all.  So then we went shopping and got home at 1 instead :)

mom's dress, dentists, life

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