Oct 25, 2009 14:29
That's right, I had a hugely eventful series of months, and said nothing about it. And I'm not gonna. Neener neener. I got this LJ partially to have a place where I could discuss an event, and therefore not have to tell everybody I know the details about it, and why I didn't do this instead of that. Because you guys know you love to do that. I'm actually thinking about carrying pamphlets around with me to shorten the amount of time having the same conversation with everybody I meet. Why don't you have a girlfriend? Why aren't you in college? Why don't you eat regular food? Each one of these conversations has turned into a Dave-centered accusation-fest every single time I've had them. Hatin' it. So this LJ was supposed to fix things like that, but as it turns out, getting people to read it was a failing effort. It would be one thing if I said "Go to www.DreamWorkssucks.reasonsofdave.com" and they said "meh, that sounds like too much reading" and dropped the subject, but no, they're curious enough to bug me, but not curious enough to read anything.
Now, it's not that I've been avoiding this thing, I just haven't felt the urge to share any of my thoughts. It might be related to how many people are giving me the impression that they just plain don't read anymore.
Scattered thoughts:
Have you ever found yourself avoiding a conversation with somebody because you know that half the things you're about to say, you're going to have to immediately repeat?
Am I the only one who notices (and fucking hates) how often people will repeat out loud the last thing somebody said?
Any time you ever see anybody playing a video game on TV or in a movie, that is not how anybody plays video games. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you're part of the problem.
Any argument centered around the sanctity of marriage is a stupid one. I've been tiptoeing around that one, but if anybody brings it up, it's a clear indication that the person doesn't think about what they're saying.
It is always improper to refer to a person as "they," but nobody gives a shit. It's like ending a sentence with a preposition. Even I, the gramer Nazi, am unable to dig into my pile of rat's asses and finding two worth committing to it.
Internet Explorer is now officially too slow for me. I'm going to start leaning on Google Chrome again, and its bookmark difficulties will just be a surmountable hurdle.
I got something at Coldstone (Cold Stone?) without realizing it was yogurt. It took me a few bites to place it. Is it all like that? I'm too lazy to check, and besides, sometimes wondering is more fun than knowing.
Bo Burnham is my new favorite comedian.
I haven't caught the first episode yet, but I have the feeling Jeff Dunham's show (comedians enjoy having ham in their name) is going to suck.
Zombieland did not suck. It was pretty consistently entertaining.
I so profoundly do not care about collecting trophies in PS3 games.
The way Microsoft produces is poisonous to the gaming industry. Treating intellectual property like office equipment and putting developers under strict time frames is ruining games. Putting a business man at the head of a game company is like putting an accountant in charge of a choir.
Also, you don't hear PS3 owners complaining about their games crashing. You don't hear them complaining about anything. It's hard enough to find a PS3 owner.
I am woefully behind on my Strong Bad. Like, months. Has it gotten bad? Can anyone tell me?
I don't miss Amber. I just miss having a girlfriend.
Dethklok's new album is more solid overall than their last one, but has fewer songs that are good to listen to by themselves. Interesting tradeoff. I'm going to see them with my sister on the 21st of November. DON'T LET ME DOWN.
Dead Space is a conceptually solid game (so far). The story works perfectly for the genre and the platform. One complaint: Knock it off with the flamethrower ammo. I use a real gun. One that hurts my enemies. Thanks. Oh, and the outfit could stand to look a little bit less like Lord Zedd from Power Rangers.
I almost bought GTA 4 for the PS3. Then I remembered that I own it on PC. I just wish they didn't require you to have A GODDAMNED GIGABYTE OF RAM on just your VIDEO CARD in order to use the higher texture pack. wtF? This was like a year ago, and they still don't make good cards like that for under a hundred fifty. And before you mention anything about what ATI is doing, notice that I said "good."
I was unaware that Dollhouse was such a phenomenon among everybody I've ever met. I heard it just wasn't what people were looking for. This bears investigation.
Does anybody else find it stupid when Darth Vader says "What is thy bidding, my master?" Where does "thy" come into it? It's a location/period specific word. That also reminds me of why I lost faith in the Star Wars books...I can't remember who it was, but somebody was sipping on a cup of a curious beverage, and he/she was asked about it. The answer was a small smile, and a mention of something called "hot chocolate," picked up on a tiny little planet called Earth. Apparently "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away" gets overwritten for cheap fan service. If you know anything about George Lucas, you know he's wholeheartedly against any kind of service to the fans.
I ran into this email a while ago, and I decided that if I ever made an LJ post again, this would be in it. I actually sent this to someone.
"Also, a few minutes ago, a spider came down on my monitor. He seemed a little frustrated by the staticky glass in front, but I took my eyes off of him for a second to talk to someone else, and when I looked again, he was gone. He didn't go back up to the ceiling, he wasn't anywhere around my monitor, and he didn't climb onto me. He was just gone. He must have been a phase spider, and those usually have at least 40 hit points, so I might be in trouble. Get 5000 GP worth of gems ready in case I need a cleric."
How is it that there was a petition to stop Uwe Boll, but not one for Michael Bay?