I just bookmarked Robin McKinley's blog, but this is perhaps the entry most relevant to me:
http://robinmckinleysblog.com/2008/12/02/there-is-no-sequel-to-sunshine/ One day I hope to be completed enough to actually worry about sequels, but for now my various Corel files resemble my life far too closely, in that they are a series of discontinued plotlines which the author (or Author, in terms of my life) apparently never bothered to finish.
And then the thought hits me: maybe I'm NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THIS.
Which means I've sort of wasted the past four years of college and a lot of mental and emotional energy, except not, because Plan B (or is it A now?) is to teach high school and steel myself for a lot of parental complaints.
I don't always love it the way some people always love it, but then, I've never loved anything that strongly or consistently.
Oh, well.
There's always that Arctic fisherman gig. Now that's worth devoting your life to.
"If you want to nag someone, find the mailing address of the Story Council and nag them to send me the sequel. (If you discover the mailing address of the Story Council, however, I want it. Badly. I have a few things to say to them about the unreasonableness of their system. Maybe it worked back in the days of bards and shamans and authorized lunacy, but it’s a rotten system for present-day, this-world writers trying to, you know, earn a living, and maybe behave like human beings instead of like mental cases.)"
-- Robin McKinley