More fanfiction, y/y?

Sep 16, 2016 13:47

It's going to a bit of all Harry Potter, all the time, for a while at least. I can't help it. The play was like this shot of adrenaline in the fandom-lobe of my BRAIN.

The problem is that while ALL I WANT IN THE WORLD is to read a ton of Harry Potter fic right now, I forgot this fandom is super-dedicated to ships I don't see. I don't ship Harry/Draco, Hermione/Draco, Harry/anyone old enough to be his father, Hermione/anyone old enough to be her father, Harry/Hermione, or Sirius/Remus. (The fandom doesn't seem super interested in Ron.)

That's...a lot of fic I'm not particularly interested in reading. Which is how fandom rolls, mostly. It goes off into white-dude-slash-trends and that's fine. I've just been completely spoiled by Torchwood and Inception, both in quality of fic, and 'ships that were either canon or for some reason fine in my brain. (Inception is weird. I think my brain just ignored the move and bought into the shared fan!canon instead. I did read fic before seeing the film and the fic is tip-top-notch.)

I have a lot (A LOT) of feelings about the "no homo!" aspects of Cursed Child, but I'll come back to that, I'm sure, so that leaves me with canon pairings, overall. (I will pine for some really fantastic Dumbledore/Grindelwald unhealthy-relationship youth-pining disaster fic.)

So I'm in a in a weird place. I could go off and try to find gen fic, of which there are cubbyholes. I have a friend who isn't into fandom at all except for being a TOTAL Harry/Ginny fangirl, so I've asked her to send me recs, which I'm looking forward to browsing. But my old craving for Marauder fic is coming back and it's a mess down there. And while I really want Harry/Ginny (Ginny never gets enough love), I also want to read Ron/Hermione and, yes, some Tonks/Remus fic because that 'ship still puzzles me. I don't think JKR gave it enough time in canon and I really, really dislike the fanon idea that it was just Remus replacing Sirius. Fandom, you are not fixing your erasing-women-to-slash-men problem there.

Also, would settle for lots and lots and lots of post-DH fic. MORE HUGO PLEASE. And, weirdly, for the first time, um, more Draco?

tl;dr All I want is fic with canon ships, okay? Why is it so hard to find?????

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fandom: harry potter, fanfiction meta

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