(no subject)

Oct 11, 2015 19:23

So, in procrastinating the things I really NEED to be doing, I decided to clean the Random Pile(s) of Crap all around my desk. And I found a bunch of business cards, mostly from the one MoCCA Festival I managed to get to, oh gosh, back before MoCCA was owned by the Society of Illustrators.

Anyway, I'm trying to do this thing in my life where I THROW OUT THINGS I don't need because I am clearly on the path to hoarder, but, well, I found a card from Kelly Sue DeConnick. And there is WRITING on the card, which means we chatted before she gave it to me, but for the life of me, I cannot remember meeting her.

Knowing me I probably spoke about my professional comic book aspirations. Which were mostly academic, and are mostly dead, but still.

*stares blankly at the card*

Maybe I'll save this one?

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fandom: comics

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