Apparently DC is
rebooting Wally’s origin story? I mean, they are rebooting everyone’s origin story so whatever. And they are rebooting him as POC which is yay!
But they are rebooting him as a “troubled youth.” :/
Ignoring the racial implications of that, which are super important but are not something I feel really equipped to address, I’m still saddened. Because Wally’s origin story was THE BEST ORIGIN STORY EVER.
It was every fan’s DREAM STORY. It was giddy and delightful and POSITIVE.
(Yes, later it became more complex and twisty and then he was aaaaangsty and then he was a jerk face and then he was awesome and then he was disappeared and there’s stuff there I know I know but it’s his ORIGIN I’m talking about here ok?)
It was SO BRIGHT AND SHINY in the best of the silver age sort of way and just nooooo DC stop making everything so gritty. Not that you care about my opinion because I’ve not bought anything monthly since the massive disappointment that was the Amethyst Reboot. YEAH. SINCE THEN. FOR THE SAME REASONS.
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comment on either site. Although my dreamwidth background has space! Spaaaace!)