…There's going to be a
film adaptation of The Giver? With big name actors?
Thank god no one is ever going to adapt Understood Betsy. *clutches remnants of childhood literature*
I don't mind adaptations per say, really. I'm going to get around to seeing Ender's Game at some point and I'm sure my fingers will be crossed for an adaptation of Wandering Blue, while Hollywood is on it the Lowry's. But sometimes I just want something to remain untouched, you know? Like, only exist in the purest form.
Some stories are told in the medium in which they were meant to be told. And sometimes adaptations make it difficult to return to before. Harry Potter fanart was never the same after the movies came out.
All this said, I will forgive them a lot if they actually have the film in black-and-white until Jonas discovers color.
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