Nearly one week baaaaaack from Dragon*Con!!!
I will do a proper write-up, seriously, when I have time. But mostly, everything was awesome, I am SO HAPPY that I get to spend time with people, I regret NOTHING. (Ok, I regret a few things.) And I'm moooostly not dealing with Con Crud. Woot!
I'm not planning to go next year, as I will be an entering 1L and I will have other things on my mind. :( I'm thinking about figuring out how to incorporate more fandom stuff into my daily life to ensure that I don't go mad, but this con also brought into sharp relief the reality that I'm going into a career where my fandom life and my professional life Cannot Cross. And that's a bit daunting, and something I have to start working out for myself.
In BETTER NEWS I met a whole bunch of AWESOME PEOPLE that didn't mind that I was being awkward and totally wanted to talk about fanfic at a million miles a second. Unfortunately they are mostly on twitter and tumblr (THE T'S OF DOOM) but I might grit my teeth and…I don't know. Do SOMETHING.
Oh, and apparently I have to watch Pacific Rim. Because BURN. BURN YOU ARE AWESOME. *flail*
The impromptu Fanfiction panel of AWESOME
Fandom at con (lots of Star Wars, that was interesting.)
Hanging out/not hanging out with people. (
analineblue NEXT TIME.)
Non-Torchwood panel things. (IOAN GUFFUDD FOR EXAMPLE.)
My conversation with SM about how fanfic is the bastard stepchild of fandom. (No, seriously, on this I want discussion.)
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comment on either site. Although my dreamwidth background has space! Spaaaace!)