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analineblue August 13 2013, 20:43:02 UTC
I would be very very interested in a fandom meta panel. Or con. Or, you know, all the stuff you said. ;) And reading through the comments, I have to say, I also want to ask the same question to the universe about Night Vale! I heard about it through a friend around 2 weeks ago, and like you said, all the sudden, it's EVERYWHERE. I mean, at the con last weekend, it was everywhere, and that's an anime con! There was enough cosplay that it had it's own meet-up/photoshoot. My mind was a little blown ( ... )


eldarwannabe August 15 2013, 15:23:48 UTC
I was actually floating the idea of just trying to gather some local fandom people together and getting a local space and just having an informal fandom MUSH. (Well, informal as in not-a-con. I would organize it to death.) Because these discussions! I want to have them!

I wonder if anyone is tracking the Welcome to the Night Vale stuff. Because I keep finding it in the most UNEXPECTED corners. Cosplay for a an audio show? AWESOME.

Walking around the artist alley at a con is always a great way to see what's popular, and sometimes the results really surprise me! OH MY GOSH, YES. It's one of the reasons I always try to check out the Artist Alley space even though I rarely want to buy anything -- it's such an interesting pulse on where a fandom is at the moment. (But at the same time, I weirdly limited view? Because it's only stuff that is financially viable in a certain way to a certain audience, you know ( ... )


analineblue August 15 2013, 17:45:14 UTC
*nods* Yeah, that sounds awesome! Do it!! :D ( ... )


eldarwannabe August 19 2013, 18:21:46 UTC
Nope, that's officially EVERYWHERE. I wonder what it's going to be like at Dragon*con. (I wouldn't even recognize it unless it was pointed out to me. Maybe I should do some internet digging so I'm not going in blind...)

It's weird because the premise sounds kinda cool but it's specifically the things you mentioned the "gory/violent/creepy" stuff that have made me stick it on the "check it out later" pile instead of trying to juggle it into my media consumption habits now. But if it's this popular...does it have funny/lighthearted moments as well? Because that seems to be more common in popular stuff, even when the premise is more dark. But really? Who knows!

The fact that Hannibal has gone mainstream is MINDBOGGLING! Like, really? This many people are interested in this stuff? I mean, I was actually surprised when Game of Thrones made it so big, because I was talking to people who wouldn't touch a fantasy book if you PAID them, and yet there they were, every week. People! What!

[rambling is totally awesome!]


analineblue August 20 2013, 22:05:42 UTC
I can give you some pointers, lol. (Pointer #1 - anyone with a third eye drawn on their face, holding recording equipment = Night Vale cosplay. :D) But I know what you mean - it's kind of harder than usual to pick them out!

It doesn't have that many lighthearted moments, really. XD;; Every once in a while? But yeah, for the most part, it's a serious, action-driven series, with pretty damn scary looking monsters! So, you know, next time you're in the mood for that kind of thing... ^_~

Yeah, I feel the same way!! And that's a good point about GoT too. I honestly think that with all the online stuff, and tumblr and all that, it's made it easier for genre stuff like that to become mainstream without people even realizing it? Maybe?


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