Cass Cain would totally get a pet cat. Sleek and independent.

Apr 30, 2013 07:09

A friend posted this on my facebook wall with the headline "Cassandra Cain grew up."


(This entry is also posted on Feel free to comment on either site. Although my dreamwidth background has space! Spaaaace!)

fandom: dc comics, fandom: notalwaysright

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larsinger29 April 30 2013, 13:12:49 UTC
That. Is. AWESOME!

(And awww, Cass! I miss her so!)


eldarwannabe April 30 2013, 13:40:08 UTC
I know! I know!

♥♥♥ Cass. (Sometimes, I'm ok with the fact that they aren't writing her because they were doing it wrong.)


larsinger29 April 30 2013, 13:49:42 UTC
(I'm sometimes okay with them not writing her or Steph currently as well, since reboot characterizations have been ALL OVER THE MAP, and many problematic at best. :o/ )


eldarwannabe May 1 2013, 11:22:02 UTC
(In my head, the are off having ADVENTURES together. And it is glorious. :D)


larsinger29 May 1 2013, 14:01:26 UTC
(Now that's the book that should be written! I'd read the hell out of that comic, with Steph snarking and Cass just giving her that "are you serious" look. OMG, Batgirls Adventures would be epic--and maybe even with cameo appearances by Babs!)


eldarwannabe May 14 2013, 00:53:39 UTC
(In my Teen Titans future AU fic 'verse that mostly exists in my head*, they ARE. In Chicago, because Bruce was too broody.)

(*There is one fic. It's not terribly good, but it is the longest thing I have on AO3.)


larsinger29 May 14 2013, 02:50:26 UTC
(Hmmm, I will have to go hunt down this fic on AO3!)


eldarwannabe May 14 2013, 03:33:25 UTC
(If you promise not to judge me and run away in horror at some of the awful writing, you can check it out here. *hides*)''

(ETA: Steph, Cass and Babs show up in Chapter 4)


larsinger29 May 15 2013, 15:19:22 UTC
(I swear I will not judge! But I'm so bookmarking this to ready later this weekend!)

(Also, I love that we continue to do this talking in parenthesis thing!)


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