Fanfiction is the best kind of crack.

Dec 10, 2012 23:52


So, I stumbled on a Sherlock/Vorkosiverse fic in which Watson is Impsec and Sherlock figures out Miles Vorkosigan=Admiral Miles Naismith.

Crack? You bet! The best kind!

And now?

Animorphs/The Avengers! In which Hawkeye used to be a hawk. Named TOBIAS.

I'm going to go to that corner and break down laughing in a mixture of disbelief and delight.

(Although that writer uses AO3 tags like tumblr tags which makes me grind my teeth. I want the tag wranglers to redirect them all to an overall tag labeled "AO3 still isn't tumblr, and not all tags are created equal, genius.")


On the topic of fandom, my roommate and I are just the dorkiest apartment ever. I hear normal people talk about like the Lohans or something when famous people are discussed. Us?

Sam and the Vlogbrothers are our celebrities, mostly. We'll randomly read/reenact posts/vlogs to each other and be delighted. L is reading Charitable Getting now, and we're both cracking up at Sam being Ian being Ianto. And Copperbadge commenting on NonProphet blog.

As she reads I'm listening to the audiobook of A Civil Campaign on low. L keeps pausing while she read so we can giggle together over something. ("She was a Betan Astronomical SURVEY CAPTAIN? And you didn't TELL ME???") Or she reads excerpts from the CG. Cue muffled laughter from both of us.


(This entry is also posted on Feel free to comment on either site. Although my dreamwidth background has space! Spaaaace!)

fandom: sherlock, fandom: the avengers (film), fandom: vorkosigan, fandom, fanfiction meta, fandom: animorphs

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