nancybrown wrote a fic for my request! And it's beautiful and wonderful and the fic-embodiment of sunshine and rainbows!
GO TO BE READING NOW. Oh, wait, you want to know what it's about?
Here's the background. Alice (Jack's daughter) ends up as a companion-possible-girlfriend to Jenny (the Doctor's Daughter) on a sentient ship named Hilda. Through timey-wimey convolutions that include a Ianto-fix-it, they manage to go back in time and save Steven (Jack's grandson.)
AND THEN THIS FIC HAPPENS. It's a great character exploration of Steven, who is presented as the descendant of these amazing travelers as well as a scared little boy. Also, you get to see one way Jack spent part of his life, and beaches of the future. Beaches of the future guys! Just go read it! Tell her how awesome it is!
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Dreamwidth.org. Feel free to
comment on either site. Although my dreamwidth background has space! Spaaaace!)