I miss using a computer already...

Jul 10, 2011 01:12

copperbadge sightings: 0

I was in Millennium Park on Friday, so apparently I missed him by 24 hours. Again, not that I would have been able to identify him. And I'm not a crazy stalker, it's on his blog!

Based on the Batman films, I was expecting something darker from Chicago, I guess. It's a nice city, gorgeous architecture. Haven't been up the Sears Tower yet, but I heard the John Hancock building is nicer.

Finished reading A Game of Thrones, so I grabbed A Wizard of Earthsea for reading. Got in...ten minutes in the park yesterday, and that's probably it as tomorrow is jam-packed until my flight home.

Once again, something big went down in Torchwood fandom while I was offline. At least this time I had warning! I've kept my eyes peeled for any crazy Starz Torchwood advertising, nut nothing so far.

I won't be able to catch up with the internet until Monday night at the earliest, argh. I have a limited data plan and I'm going to save it for email and directions when I get lost. Although apparently my complete lack of planning when I travelled in the UK has given me a speed-map-reading skill. Five minutes after we got to the Loop, I was navigating the family and memorizing street names. No one told me it was presidents and states! I'm dying to know which street was re-named to make room for Clinton, because LOL.

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