I am living, as is logical, in student housing in London.
Student housing WITHOUT INTERNET.
My frustration is epic. I can't do homework, can't exchange emails with my beta, can't read fic, can't help mod my community, nada.
If I haven't commended on your fic for
tw_unpaired, it's not personal. It just hasn't been on the top of my "MUST DO WHILE THE INTERNET IS AT HAND" list.
I lugged my laptop to campus to get some access today, and it's been eh-eh. (RSSU - not impressed. Still better than the Dorm of Incompetency. Did I mention that the elevator buttons don't all work?)
So, hanging out in London. Going to see a play tomorrow, might go away for the weekend. I'm not crippled without the 'net, just UNHAPPY.
And yes, I think I will reference Ender's Game whenever I
lose internet access. I find it hilarious.
And now for something happy.
Conan O'Brien may have single-handedly saved the Young Justice TV show in my mind It's hilarious everybody, even if you don't care about random DC superheroes or comic books.