Topic: Friendship

Dec 29, 2004 20:24

Can men and women be friends?

Where I am from, men are defineably dominant over women. At least amung the race of men. Men are given the task of defense and protction. It seems at times women were little more than for birthing the next generations and preparing foods for the men. Perhaps that is harsh, but that is my memory. And, let it be said such was not always the case. Many women found a more useful existence, in truth, there were some who went to war alongside the men.

In my youth, my two very best friends were both boys. Girls were silly, and nearly unouchable. Except of course my sisters, who were always around and prying into our business. I do not recall many girls my age running about, and therefore I had little oppoortunity to befriend them.

Where I found myself now, in a decidedly more modern world, men and women are often friends. With and without sexiual relations between them. I see no reason why the gender of a person should make a difference at all when it comes to the matter of friendship. People are people, show a little kindness and you just might get a friend for life.
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