A little Tuesday theology

Sep 01, 2009 17:37

Not my theology today. I'm having real issues forcing myself to write down my ideas lately, and moreso in getting them readable for others.

But this is a little good thinking from a few Christian theologians.

Willis Elliott hits a bunch of stuff. I've ranted a lot of this myself, and he hits several points dear to my heart quickly and eloquently, and they are of interest to any sane religious person.

And then, thanks to Ran Prieur, an article about redemptive violence as the ancient myth that allows our culture to continually do such stupid shit. This one hits on dominator culture, and of course one must remember that fascism is essentially just the cult of masculinity/patriarchy unchecked. (Also 'the fetishism of the black boot on the human face.')

On a more personal note, I'm grumpy as fuck lately. I'm not even disinterested, particularly, in NOT being grumpy. I am embracing it, and am more likely to tell people what I think and not necessarily be bothered to do it politely. If anything, I'm leaning into the grumpiness. I feel like doing anything else has just been encouraging people to be stupid in my vicinity, and I don't have the time for that shite.


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